Vietnamese: Cà Tím Xào (Braised Eggplant)

Recipe by Paul Young <>

(serves 3)



  1. Cut off the base of each eggplant, split into quarters vertically, then cut to bite-sized lengths
  2. Add the white vinegar to a large bowl of water, add the eggplant pieces and let them sit in the vinegar water for 10 to 15 minutes; drain
  3. Steam eggplants until soft (about 20 minutes)
  4. In a wok, stir-fry white parts of the green onion briefly in olive oil (about 1-2 minutes)
  5. Add garlic and stir-fry briefly
  6. Add “Vietnamese Dipping Sauce” and soy sauce, cook on high to reduce sauce slightly (about 1-2 minutes)
  7. Taste to adjust seasoning: add more soy sauce (if needed)
  8. Add eggplants and green parts of green onion, toss to coat
  9. Top with more chili paste (if desired)